Designed to operate within multipurpose venues, nothing illustrates The BOX Seat better than the versatility to work as Telescopic and Floor seating alongside the fixed tiered seating.
While the Telescopic Seating facilitates transforming multiple courts into a grand centre court The BOX Seat ‘Gridlock’ Flat Floor System delivers the answer for floor seating that offers quick configuration to a stage focused layout.
Outdoor Retractable
Built with the vision of constructing a venue that would stand as a “new ideal” in stadia design, with an exterior telescopic end stand, allowing a stage to be erected off the pitch for concerts and revenue generating opportunities.
A Stadium that can evolve into a rock concert, supporting spectators in the off season.
Indoor Telescopic
Train through the week days on open area multiple courts and on weekends or even weeknight special events host professional sports, world-class concerts, international conferences, or cultural conventions all from one versatile space.
Week-time practice courts with the freedom to transform into a centre stage grand slam on Sunday.
Gridlock Flat-Floor
Disney On Ice one week and U2 or Beyoncé the next, transforming your arena is quick and efficient with the Gridlock Flat Floor mount systems. The BOX Seat interconnecting rails enables the fastest deployed floor seating in the business. A quick transformation opens the way for a large event stage.