The SEB Arena in Vilnius is the largest indoor tennis, squash and badminton center in Central Europe and is hosting major tennis events such as the Davis Cup. In 2023, short after the opening of their newest court, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) granted SEB Arena the status of a ‘National Training Center’, making it the fifth tennis center in the world to receive this prestigious rating after France, the UK, the USA and Hong Kong. The all-black 901 Model was selected to fit this clean and modernly styled venue.
The BOX Seat 901 and 908 Models were selected to seat the race fans on various stands at the track. The BOX Seat 901 model with soft ‘tip-up’ action flows seamlessly row to row throughout the expansive general admission areas. The easy Strap System and light-weight seats accelerate the construction and deconstruction of tiered seating solutions.
The tight-folding design of the 901, and the maximised row depth as a result, has a wealth of benefits to an event setting as well. Briefly, decreasing the time taken to reach vendor facilities increases a venue’s revenue potential. Improving access and egress from the event enhances crowd safety and also lowers a venue’s operational overheads – security and cleaning personnel and power costs.